Websites I Designed and Maintaining

Benedict Paramanand

This book is an intimate and rare collection of more than 30 stories of top Indian business leaders about how late Professor CK Prahalad inspired and guided them through their most painful journey after the 1991 Economic Reforms. Most of them, who didn’t think they could survive the MNC onslaught, went on to build profitable global enterprises.


At a time when most business and management ideas are getting debunked CK’s radical approach to strategy, managing people, leadership, teaching, and life, will continue to be relevant and will interest business leaders, entrepreneurs, policymakers, students, and the academia around the world.


The first edition, published in 2014, covered a wide area and was perceived as CK’s biography. This edition covers more business pole-vaulting stories with a separate chapter on India’s mammoth potential to become a global leader in healthcare.

SustainabilityNext website

This is the Main Website of Mr. Benedict Paramanand, which is updated monthly. The articles are updated and saved, after approval of the text and design, it is published. The homepage has images of the present month’s articles.


There is also an emailer for this website which is designed in Zoho and published for the subscribers. Also, the articles are re-designed and published in as PDF.


There are many sections in this website like Articles, Book Review done by others, and also Benedict’s Review of books. There is also Signup for Newsletter under the subscribe Menu. There is also an Archive of Articles from the year 2013. There is also a video section describing various people who are sustainable for years.


This is the website of Mr. Benedict. It has a big core group maintaining it. It is a conference named, Bangalore Business Literature Festival which is a yearly fest sponsoring many industrialists and authors.


There are various sections in the fest, each will include various speakers speaking on various subjects. It will also award an author for his book each year which is headed by a jury of professors and industrialists, who analyses and selects the book.


My job is to update the contents every year, design social media posts, posters, and banners. Monitor online ticketing, a slide presentation of the speakers during their respective sessions, and other jobs.


They are also into a monthly edition of NewBookNewChat, where they will select a book and will have an interview with the author regarding the book.


Website dedicated to the literature connected to our nature, animals, and also youth. It even tries to co-ordinate with schools to extend the idea of literature to the future generations, coined as

There will be a mega event every year, dedicated to green business, green general and also panels for youth and literature connected to them.

aahan foundation

Aahan Foundation is a Not-for-Profit organisation working towards empowering girls from marginalised communities at risk of gender-based violence, including child marriage, sexual abuse and human trafficking.

My job is to do any changes / corrections to the website as suggested.

Each website of Mr. Benedict’s which I maintain involves updating the content in it, which includes SEO, Analytics, and even security of the Website.


I submit the analytical report of the websites using Google’s Data Studio. It is a sophisticated website which displays the reports of Google Analytics in a colourful way with graphs, piechart and tables.